Tuesday March 04, 2025
04 , Ramadan , 1446
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Saudi Arabia
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Shahd Alhamdan
41 - 50 From 334 result
Five mobile applications for ramadan
This is a free application that tracks your daily actions during the holy month. It comes in English and Arabic. It provides you with a checklist of various obligatory and recommended deeds you can perform throughout the day.
Series of Ramadan events lined up Kingdomwide
This event is taking place in Prince Saud Bin Naif Park in Alkhobar from May 26 until June 4. It was held last year and this year it features Sohoor Market, Fawazir tent and Qerqe3an, accompanied by educational and recreational ...
Arabic TV serials slated to make a splash in Ramadan
With TV viewership being the highest in Ramadan, a flurry of TV serials are being aired on Arab satellite TV channels. Saudi Gazette has narrowed down 6 TV serials that are a must watch this year.
Many families are shopping for Ramadan from ‘Consmix’
Maram Ahmed, a Saudi mother in her 30s, said, “I wait for this exhibition every year to buy Ramadan thobes for myself and my daughter. I also purchase some cosmetic products. I like it because the clothes here are cheaper ...
9 Middle East countries show high progress to digital transformation
Visitors to the Huawei area in the event had the chance to know more about its new technologies and one of the innovations was CG Cloud VR. With this new technology, one of the company’s aims is to make CG ...
Huawei launches 5G ecosystem
During the summit it was mentioned that Huawei is planning to launch the first 5G Mobile by next year. The company also presented Huawei P20 Pro Mobile and other new innovations and devices.
Tips for remaining safe when shopping online
“Choosing a unique password on the website that you are buying from would also help you. People who have several passwords and cannot memorize them can save them in Record Manager,” said Assolini, adding that people should also not save ...
New technologies contribute to transforming teaching and learning in innovative ways
Through digitally transforming classrooms, Microsoft is aiming to empower students and teachers in several schools globally.
New technologies for better education
Harb Bou-Harb, senior director education at MIcrosoft public sector for Middle East and Africa, said, “MIE is an amazing for teachers because we know that teachers are not the best sharer and everyone that work with teachers know that. So ...
Right behavior of employees lessens risks of cyber attacks
He further said “it is effective because it provides practical trainings. Not only things to read, but also exercises and games because its the right way to retain the intention of employees. And tests, like sending fake fish campaign to ...
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